Why I Stopped Eating Meat

Few things seem to catch attention faster than announcing you’ve given up alcohol or meat.

This struck me when I quit booze for a while. Friends were immediately concerned about my health, suggesting the only reason for abstinence was if something’s wrong.

But celebrating my first anniversary as a pescatarian, I’m finding people asking me “Why?”

I had three motives for giving up meat:

1)      Philosophical. Veal went off my menu 40 years ago over objections to imprisoning calves before eating them. When my bride asked my attitude toward lamb chops, I lacked an answer and quit, cold turkey.

2)      Dietary. Six years ago I successfully lost 20 lbs., only to combat the COVID-15. Eliminating meat reversed that trend.

3)      Environmental. Cows are the #1 agricultural source of greenhouse gases. One cow creates 220 lbs. of methane annually. A pound of chicken meat generates 7 pounds of CO2.

The average American eats 252 pounds of meat and 68 pounds of chicken per year. You get 440 pounds of meat from a cow and 2 lbs. from a chicken. My decision saves one cow and 60 chickens every 21 months.

While I eat fish, the veggie/grain components have increased considerably. My health and diet both remain quite stable.

I share this milestone with you neither to lecture nor boast, but to provide a potential business opportunity.

Because since I started this particular adventure, I’ve found countless clients and groups that want to hear my story. I’ve spoken about it at length, and it’s opened doors to people and organizations that want to learn more about what I do professionally.

Regardless of what you sell, you can also stand out of the competitive crowd by doing something SEEN as unusual…even if it’s actually pretty mainstream.

And while I’ve spoken in the past about branding, hats, social media, ad specialties, and public presentations, not everyone is interested in such marketing strategies. Many folks don’t have the time or money to invest, and their communications efforts suffer because of it.

However, cutting meat from your diet not only gives you bragging rights for helping the environment, but can also potentially help you cut your grocery budget.

From where I sit, it seems like everyone wins! And you’ll never have to eat your words.

With that said, I wish you a week of profitable marketing.

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