Dressing For Success

Evan Lampson is my intern this year, doing research, strategizing, and writing copy. He’s graduating from college in May with a BBA and a concentration in marketing. 

Bright and industrious, this 24-year-old entrepreneur already has his own music label. He’s also starting his own marketing agency to help nonprofits maximize their online presence.

And with the school year now in full swing, he’s seeing job fairs as the next item on his agenda.

Evan attended his first fair last week and used his marketing smarts to his advantage: He dressed for where he wants to be in life, rather than where he is now. 

Because while the other students wore jeans, sneakers and T-shirts, Evan shined his shoes, donned a blazer and wore nice trousers.

The difference was instantly noticeable to everyone, and his distinctiveness allowed him to score several coveted interviews.

Not content to do a  half-assed job, Evan reinforced his uniqueness to potential employers by sending out handwritten thank-you notes. “They’re classier and way more memorable than emails,” he observed.

Plus, with handwritten notes largely a relic of the past, Evan is sure to have gained even more recognition.

Regular readers know I’m all about finding ways to stand out from any crowd, and Evan demonstrates the importance of starting early in one’s career. 

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Furthermore, while Evan’s classmates are debating if they even need a personal brand, this gent is already well on his way to establishing a commercial presence that suits his style.

Our current dialogue includes him assessing colors and symbology that will ensure others recognize him from behind or think of him, even when he’s not in the room. 

Most of his peers are more concerned with the latest challenge on TikTok. Guess who’s going to have the edge in the business world.

Many of my older friends bemoan today’s youth, calling them lazy and unmotivated. The problems with generalizations aside, I see Evan Lampson and take comfort seeing his drive, vision and work ethic. 

Obviously, as with any demographic group, some are lazy, others hardworking. Which suggests anyone looking to hire young talent should be watching out for subtle clues. Because when a 24-year-old is the only one in the room dressed for business, that is the person you want to be talking with.

With that said, I wish you a week of profitable marketing.

You can reach Evan at www.marketbuilding.com.