The Tale of the Stout Bottle

Visiting North Park Produce for holiday dinner ingredients, my bride spotted a jar of Georgian tomato soup.

That’s Tbilisi, Georgia…not Atlanta.

My wife oftentimes makes soup from scratch. And as a fellow marketing professional, she understands the ploys used to lure customers. Promotions, email, and publicity releases bounce off her, like water off a duck’s back.

Yet here we were, examining a stout jar of soup. I think it was the brown paper wrapper tied with white elastic string that caught her attention. In an aisle of jars, bottles, and boxes all looking eerily alike, this squat jar stood out of the crowd.

Pretty slick trick, says I!

We dallied in the aisle debating this unknown brand, recognizing the only way we’d know if it was good was to invest a few dollars.

Then, without a coupon, radio jingle, Google ad, or celebrity endorsement, my wife bought it. Because the packaging caught her eye. And we felt adventurous.

And yes, it was tasty.

New year is the perfect time to take stock in your business and re-examine your branding, packaging, and strategies. Because, regardless of what you sell, you too can probably increase sales by changing your image.

That’s what prompted me last year to introduce a new logo that (after years of client encouragement) incorporated my hat. I received an overwhelmingly positive response, allowing me to re-engage many old friends, clients, and prospects.

Like your logo? Maybe it’s time to re-skin your website. Even with the same content, the new look might be just the refresher you need to grab some attention.

Or perhaps you need to do a complete overhaul of your brand, from business cards to collateral.

Before doing anything, ask a few trusted clients for an honest assessment of your company. What do they think of when they see your name, and is that the message you want imparted?

You may be surprised they don’t know you sell certain services, or consider the competition’s message  more compelling.

Listen to them CAREFULLY! And no, don’t trust your own judgment…you’re WAY too close to the issue.

If you discover an unpleasant truth, remember the definition of insanity (doing the same thing over and expecting a different result). Then reconsider your packaging from top to bottom.

With that said, I wish you a week of profitable marketing.

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