Pro-Actively Protecting My Good Name

It seems I’m writing more lately about the importance of maintaining a good reputation, and how easy it is for strangers or casual acquaintances to ruin it. Regardless of what you sell, the impact on your business can easily be devastating.

Longtime readers may recall June, 2012, when I turned down the opportunity to run for Vice President of the United States.

At the time of my announcement I recalled the sentiment of John Garner, who filled that office under Franklin Roosevelt. Mr. Garner likened the job to “a bucket of warm spit.” Definitely not for me!

So I walked away from the chance to be yet another unqualified politician running for an office he didn’t really want. My belief was, and remains, that others are FAR better suited for such an august position.

Still, my brief flirtation with national office raised concerns around my dinner table. Out of an abundance of caution, I’ve had the house thoroughly searched for important documents.

Recognizing I’ve moved twice in the past five years, I was troubled with the idea of a special counsel being appointed to investigate my case.

Not that I’ve anything to hide, mind you, but one can’t be too careful these days. The news reports current and former members of Congress, as well as executive branch officials, are checking for classified documents in their garages and sock drawers. One columnist after another notes such matters aren’t limited to people named Biden, Pence and Trump.

And I’m pleased to say that after several sweeps of my home and private office, the only errant papers turned up were a photograph of my ex-wife (since shredded), and an outdated Chinese food menu.

I also found several bank statements from mid-2019, and can finally balance that checking account.

I share this news in the interests of full disclosure. People who know me well understand I’m a quality person, but those with whom I have transitory relationships might believe anything. 

This lark is presented as a friendly warning that it’s way too easy for virtually anyone to impugn your name because they don’t like your politics, religion, race, or hair style. Keep your nose clean and your name unblemished. It’s sure to do good things for your business in the long run.

With that said, I wish you a week of profitable marketing.


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