Who Makes These Rules, Anyway?

For years our society has demanded women look like Barbie to be considered attractive.

Smart, funny, talented women have their self-image negatively impacted because they don’t live up to some stranger’s arbitrary rules.

It’s disgusting, wrong, unfair, and dishonest.

Not being on the receiving end of these judgmental attitudes, I’ve never fully appreciated it despite my best efforts.

The video BODY EVOLUTION changed my mind.

In this film an average-looking young woman with greasy hair and acne is transformed into an exquisite billboard model. The video demonstrates how we’re all manipulated into thinking the beautiful people are REALLY beautiful.

They’re not. Photography, lighting, makeup, and Photoshop makes them look attractive.

My dark secret: I’ve always seen myself as chubby, even when others said I looked fine. Five years ago I weighed in at my heaviest ever and committed to eating less junk, drinking more water, and walking more.

Now 20 pounds lighter, I still see a gut.  

Intellectually, I know I’m not fat. My self-perception is impacted by a never-ending string of photos of the slim, trim, photoshopped set.

Now I’ve taken back control of my life.

Surrounded by advertising from successful organizations of every stripe, you probably have an image of your firm as a valuable, organized, problem-solver.

Realistically, the world probably doesn’t know you exist.

Taking control of your business’ life starts with committing yourself to a written strategic marketing plan with solid, realistic objectives.

To make these goals reachable, you’ll need competitive analysis, adequate resources, and an honest assessment of what you do and for whom you’re doing it.

Sure, you’ll need to trim the fat, but having the right image in your head is the key to success.

Meaning you must first answer two questions: What are you trying to achieve, and why should someone buy from you?

Being able to address these issues helps organize your messaging. However, if you don’t know why you’re different or better, how can a customer figure it out?

The seeds of failure or success are usually in our heads, placed there by third parties with their own agenda.

As you’re thinking through your 2022 goals, know your own business and your customer inside and out and be sure you’re in charge of your own destiny.

With that said, I wish you a week of profitable marketing.


Give your marketing a workout at www.marketbuilding.com.