10 Steps For Better Job Hunting

With job openings at an all-time high, you might be tempted to just show up and assume you’ll be hired.  

BIG mistake! While a polished resume is essential to your job hunt, it's not the sole factor for success. These 10 strategies will improve chances of landing a great job, increase your visibility, hone professional appeal, and grab attention from potential employers.

1. Create Valuable Content. To have potential employers contact you, create content online that's relevant to your industry. Even those lacking experience can post how-to articles, blog posts, and videos. This content shows you know your way around the business and recognize what’s important. It’s also evergreen, attracting attention and interest LONG after you’ve been hired.

2. Be Helpful. Think good networking means exchanging contact information? Try helping other professionals, and they’ll return the favor when you’re in need.

3. Use Diverse Channels. Find where industry professionals congregate online and post your content there. You never know who’s paying attention, or who they might know.

4. Determine Your Value. Use online tools to determine the lowest salary you're willing to accept, based on your skillset. Don’t sell yourself cheap.

5. Perfect Your Personal Brand. Just like my hat, your personal brand demonstrates your professionalism, experience, and personality. Use them to show how valuable you are, and why hiring anyone else is a mistake.

6. Define What You Want. Before the interview, know what’s important to you (family time, money, etc.), but try to remain flexible.

7. Focus on SEO. Use industry keywords to optimize your online content and professional profile.

8. Improve Your Online Image. Heads up: Potential employers check social media looking for bad behavior and debauchery. Before hunting for that next position, scrub all your profiles to ensure they present the same personal and professional image you offer in interviews.

9. Choose Your Professional Platform. Impressed hiring managers will want to see more than your resume and LinkedIn profile. Building a professional website to aid your job hunt will boost your chances.

10. Stay Current. Professionals who can solve problems get the jobs. To prove your stuff, stay current on industry news and show you know what’s going on.

Remember; you’re marketing yourself. Present yourself professionally, and improve chances of achieving your objective.

With that said, I wish you a week of profitable marketing.


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