Exposure to thousands. Zero cost.

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The Holy Grail of marketing is communicating with massive, targeted audiences with little cost.

It’s a wonder more professionals don’t use LinkedIn to accomplish that.

With 722+ million members, LinkedIn’s community shouldn’t be ignored.  61 million are senior level influencers, 40 million are decision-makers. 40% use LinkedIn daily.

LinkedIn connects you with professionals without most of the politics, angst, or frivolousness of Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. Most Fortune 500 executives enjoy searching LinkedIn for valuable reading material.

Furthermore, much of that valuable reading material provides opportunity to comment, agree, like, share, etc. Sure, you expect that…but are you actually taking advantage of it?

Recently I posted a response to someone’s comment. He liked it and we got into a conversation that was automatically shared with his 26,000 followers. Others liked my feedback, and everyone who clicked the LIKE or SHARE buttons also revealed my profile to THEIR followers.

Meaning my investing 10 minutes to make a respectful, well-crafted response to his original post exposed me to at least 30,000 people who’d never heard of me before.

Some saw my profile title and investigated further. Some observed I’m a Rotarian and asked to join my network. One has expressed interest in hiring me for a marketing assignment.

And my out-of-pocket cost: ZERO!

I check my LinkedIn feed several times every day, both to monitor business news and to be able to respond quickly to anyone reaching out to me. I have an extensive profile, and a wide network of my own.

I also regularly request endorsements from those I’ve worked with, and present a professional photograph. Mentioning I’m a Rotarian in the title doubled my profile views overnight.

But actually interacting with others was a missing piece. Since I’ve started doing that regularly, my visibility is consistently up roughly 17%.

To grow my bottom line, I need to interact with business leaders. They’re the executives who feel a company’s pain; who will seek out problem-solvers who understand communications, strategy, tactics, and budgets.

These are people who will benefit from my services, and will self-select from the crowd…provided they know I exist.

By placing my profile before them, I’m improving the odds they’ll see me, remember me, and want to learn more.

And isn’t that the purpose of a marketing campaign?

With that said, I wish you a week of profitable marketing.


Visit my profile at http://bit.ly/MrMarketingLI.