A Shot of Kindness


Long-time readers know I complain about bad customer service and praise good service.

It only seems fair. In this space I’ve given kudos to an amazing server at Stone Brewing, a compassionate manager at Escondido’s Trader Joe’s, and the humanity of Edelweiss’ staff in Rancho Bernardo.

Add to this list Melissa Coleman and her CVS (San Marcos) management team.

Last week CVS started giving COVID vaccinations. My bride and I took my nonagenarian parents there Sunday for their shots. It’s a small store, without a wheelchair in sight, and seating for seniors was inadequate.

Mom can barely walk, so standing in line for an hour was impossible. Melissa’s team solved the problem with rolling office chairs and a comfortable corner.

Then they went above and beyond. Unbidden, the team asked everyone ahead of us if my parents could be prioritized. We learned of this communal compassion as Mom & Dad were taken inside for their shots.

We left CVS 40 minutes ahead of schedule; a gift at their age. My effusive thanks to Melissa was greeted with a warm smile and a simple explanation; “We did it because you were all nice.”

We were nice, so they were nice. A simple equation, where everyone comes out a winner.

Let’s face it; when it comes to COVID, we’re all frustrated, confused, and anxious. Merely surviving the day has become a major accomplishment, and it’s not unusual to take out our angst on those we love or who are trying to help us.

Yet unlike so many, Melissa took to heart the mantra “We’re all in this together,” applying it to her job. She deserves to go far in the world, as she obviously doesn’t just do her work, but cares about her customers.

Sensitivity to customer needs and building long-term loyalty (and thus profitability) is a lesson we can all learn from regardless of what we sell.

Because, as I’ve said before, people do business with those they know, like, and trust. Engaging us with a big smile upon our entry to the story, Melissa made it easy to like her. And her willingness to go that extra mile on our behalf ensured the trust.

It just makes me WANT to return to her store looking for things to buy.

With that said, I wish you a week of profitable marketing.

Follow Mr. Marketing at @marketbuildingteam.