Smart Companies Follow Customers’ Lead

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My first indication something was afoot came from a friend distressed about Aunt Jemima’s image changing.

Given the maelstrom swirling over the Black Lives Matter movement, I wasn’t surprised.

Aunt Jemima debuted in 1889, becoming one of America’s most recognized brands. Yet despite several logo changes over the years, the Aunt Jemima character remained based on the "Mammy" stereotype.

Following the killing of George Floyd and subsequent protests, Quaker Oats announced the product line’s rebrand by year-end "to make progress toward racial equality."

Similar product shifts have been announced by Mrs. Butterworth’s, Uncle Ben’s, Eskimo Pies, Cream of Wheat, Crayola, and Band-Aid. Probably coming soon: the Redskins, Braves, and Indians sports teams.

Did I mention they’re renaming Sambo’s restaurant?

Personal politics aside, business owners are recognizing it’s time to re-sync with their customers by eliminating offensiveness from their product lines. The audience demanding the status quo is diminishing, and increasing future sales demands company sensitivity on this fraught topic.

HBO finessed presenting Gone With The Wind with a statement explaining the film as a product of its time, depicting prejudices that, unfortunately, remain today.

Yet not everyone can straddle the issue, and businesses face a question: Do you want to only service your existing audience, or grow into new markets?

If you’re comfortable just selling to your current clientele and have no ambition to grow, then go with what’s previously worked for you. As always, competitors may steal some of your customers.

Shifts in demographics and low-cost media may make the desire to grow irresistible. Expanding into new markets will inevitably force a decision between tradition and sensitivity.

Meaning failure to properly address customer sensibilities could lead to negative publicity, financial losses…even boycotts.

To minimize potential offenses, examine your audience, product lines, and company names. Be conscious not only about racial stereotypes, but also ethnicity, gender identity, religion, and similar factors.

For good measure, examine your media choices to see if your audience is potentially offended by the political positions of your vehicle.

Markets are Darwinian, winnowing out the weak. The customer is always right, and protecting your business may demand you adjust your ways. Keeping your finger on the pulse of the marketplace may lead to big opportunities; just recognize that you may need to trim your sails to reach your destination.

With that said, I wish you a week of profitable marketing.

